About Us
MDC is a marketing research and strategy planning boutique based in Chicago. We have conducted thousands of custom research and planning projects for the nation’s leading product and service brands. Since 1983, we have not lost sight nor commitment to this vision and our passion has pushed us to evolve and innovate enhanced research techniques as well as pioneer groundbreaking research and planning tools. We are:
Consumer Behaviorists
We are students of consumer behavior who understand the disciplines necessary to observe and profile behavior and to diagnose the underlying motivation drivers (psychology, sociology, anthropology and behavioral economics)
Marketing Researchers
We know the craft - how to form and analyze the questions to accurately profile behavior and identify the drivers and inhibitors
We are strong and experienced marketers and planners who know how to turn insight into strategy
Our diverse skill set allows us to Translate Insight into Action - leading to solutions and strategies that have impact
What Makes Us Stand Apart?
We are Research Philosophers
We think passionately, comprehensively and deeply in search of the truth – for wisdom, insight and understanding.
Philosophy is a discipline – a way of thinking about the world, the universe and society – and most importantly about consciousness. The thought process seeks to understand the basic nature of human thought and the universe, and the connections between them. We seek to understand the underlying nature of our consciousness – the constructs of existence, knowledge, values, reason and language/concepts that form our identity as a species and as individuals. As philosophers, we seek wisdom about the nature of the beliefs and constructs that affect who we are and the choices we make.
Philosophy is a way of thinking – a framework for thought that is grounded in dialogical and dialectical processing; one that leaves no stone unturned or hypothesis unexamined.
The benefit of this thinking is the connections that are made and the truths about the nature of consumer behavior that are developed; we see and understand the trees and we see and embrace the forest that they make. This framework for thought synergizes the wisdom we develop because we make the linkages that are fundamental to insight, and we frame and validate the insight within the nature and universals of consciousness and the human experience. Understanding both the individual and the universal concept brings clarity and validation to insight, which in turn drives insight to action.